Open Your Eyes: The Video You Cannot Miss

And you, how many friends do you have? Nowadays, and due to that subtle but powerful influence of social networks, you may tell us that you have neither more nor less than about 300 friends. Or who knows, maybe up to 600. But how many of them have coffee with you when you feel bad? How many know your gestures, your hobbies or offer you a caress when you need it most? Do not miss this video and you will understand the message we want to give you from our space.

The arrival of a new loneliness

The truth is that it is paradoxical that in the historical moment in which we find ourselves now, the shadow of loneliness and isolation is deepening us more than ever. Surely right now you are denying this expression. “Me, alone? Not at all, if I talk to my friends on Facebook every day! ” Okay, it’s true. We cannot deny that we have reached a present in which we have a greater capacity to connect with others, no matter where we live or what time of day it is.

But this dimension is in turn causing a greater tendency to loneliness and social isolation, with a type of suffering that no one can be unaware of. We live in a reality in which we are already falling into a kind of label guided by the “I share, therefore I exist. Any information, any idea or feeling that we have at any given time, we drop it on our Facebook wall or our twitter, as a silent cry “that we are there”.

But stop for a moment to ask yourself something … how much time do you spend a day on that screen of your computer, or your mobile? You may not even realize it. You may not be aware that your head, your eyes, your mind, are embedded like an umbilical cord to those social networks, to that world that does not smell or taste. And meanwhile, the present is escaping you like smoke that disappears through an open window. Have you ever thought about it?

Look up: give love to your people, don’t just give them a “like”

Maybe in this world of new technologies everything is easier for you. It may give you a greater chance of socializing with new people, which is challenging, no doubt. It may even allow you to have greater confidence in yourself … but remember one thing: life is not that.

Life runs and glides before you while you look at your mobile phone. People laugh in the street, run in the rain, socialize in parks, whisper secrets in the ear in coffee shops with a cappuccino … nobody will kiss you through those cold screens or move you with their caresses. Look up from your computer, your phone … and simply, enjoy yours and don’t miss any opportunity that crosses your path.

Offer love to your loved ones and not just a “like”. It costs you nothing and we assure you that there is nothing better for your health than enjoying life.

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