Common Causes Of Dizziness And How To Prevent Them

Dizziness is a feeling from which a person thinks they are going to faint or lose consciousness. Do you want to know what are the common causes of dizziness and how to prevent them?

There are different degrees of dizziness and they are produced by various causes. In most cases, the symptoms disappear after a short time and usually do not need treatment. Be careful when dizziness occurs close to each other, or if the sensation persists for more than an hour.

Today we explain some of the most common causes of dizziness and how we can prevent them. Take note!

Causes of dizziness: banal and serious

Among the reasons why dizziness occurs, we can differentiate two large groups: the banal and the serious. The first group is related to the lack of blood in the brain, due to:

  • Sudden drop in blood pressure.
  • Dehydration (not having enough water in the body) from vomiting, diarrhea, fever, not drinking fluids for a long period.
  • Getting up very quickly from bed or a chair (more common in older people).
  • Reduction of blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia, in patients with diabetes, mostly).
  • Sunstroke and spending long periods in the sun without protection.
  • Colds and flu or also allergies that do not allow you to consume much liquid.
  • Movement in any means of transport (boat, plane, car).

The second group of causes of dizziness is made up of:

  • Heart problems, such as a heart attack.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Stroke
  • Embolism.
  • Shock and sudden drop in blood pressure.

In these cases, in addition to being dull, the patient suffers from other symptoms such as tachycardia, chest pain, cloudy vision or loss of speech.

Home remedies to treat dizziness

As long as the dizziness corresponds to the first group, there are some home treatments that can help to reverse the picture. In the case of being due to the second group, you should go to the doctor immediately.

1. Eat chocolate

First of all because it has sugar and can raise blood glucose. On the other hand, chewing something sweet helps the brain to receive blood again. A small piece is enough.

2. Drink apple juice

Apple juice

This wonderful fruit has many properties, such as, for example, taking away sudden dizziness. If you feel like the floor is moving, lie down and drink half a cup of apple juice. It also serves to increase sugar levels in diabetic people. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Granada.

3. A tablespoon of mint with sugar

If you have a mint plant, cut some leaves and combine with sugar. Eat like a treat. In about 5 minutes, you will no longer feel dizzy.

4. Drink a ginger tea

ginger infusion

This home remedy is recommended for people who get dizzy when traveling. You just have to prepare a common tea and add half a teaspoon of grated ginger, as suggested by this study carried out by the Araba University Hospital. An infusion will suffice.

5. Cold-heat treatment

cervical pain

If the dizziness is caused by a pain or contracture in the cervicals, perform a hot-cold treatment in that area. First place some ice cubes (always with a cloth, or bag) and then take a hot shower (you can also place a hot water bottle on the nape of the neck). According to this study carried out by the University of Las Americas (Chile), it helps reduce inflammation.

Do you get dizzy when you travel? Pay attention to these tips

One of the most frequent causes of banal dizziness is the movement of the transport in which we find ourselves. 80% of travelers suffer from it and stress, anxiety, nerves, lack of sleep and jet lag have a lot to do with the picture .

If you tend to get dizzy every time you travel and you really have a hard time on the plane, the car, the boat or the train, take into account some tips: Choose the areas of least movement of each means of transport (the deck of the ship, the seats near the wings of the plane, the front seat of the car or the first car of the train).

As you sit down, tilt your head back so that it rests fully on the seat. Avoid reading or any activity that requires you to keep your eyes fixed on one place, such as doing crossword puzzles, writing, etc.

Keep your axis of vision at a 45 degree angle above the horizon line. If you travel by boat, you can watch the waves or any object that is in motion. If you’re cruising, try to get a well-ventilated cabin as close to the deck as possible so you can get out and breathe fresh air when needed.

In the car, avoid very high heat or being too warm, as well as strong odors such as tobacco (in addition, cigarette smoke takes away a good part of the oxygen we breathe).

Do not consume a lot of alcohol or eat too much before traveling, because that increases the possibility of getting dizzy. Also, do not get on a means of transport on an empty stomach, because the same thing can happen.

Consume small amounts of liquids during the journey (water, infusions or  natural juices , no coffee, soft drinks or alcoholic beverages).

If the trip is short, try not to eat anything until you reach your destination.

More tips to avoid dizziness

  • Avoid very sudden changes in position or posture, as the fluids in the internal ear canals are unbalanced.
  • If you think you are going to lose consciousness, lie on the ground to avoid the blow in the fall.
  • Always have a candy in your bag or pocket to eat anytime your blood sugar drops.
  • Sit in a chair and lift your legs while breathing slowly and deliberately

We hope this post has been useful to you. Do not forget that the most important thing is to go to a specialist in the event that the dizziness was constant.

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