Did You Know That Crow’s Feet Have Meaning And Can Be Prevented?

Crow’s feet are not only an aesthetic issue that worries many people because it gives them an older appearance. These marks also indicate how well the liver is working. For this reason, it is advisable to prevent them naturally and, at the same time, improve overall health.

Discover in this article the true meaning of crow’s feet and how to prevent them in a simple, effective and natural way, without resorting to expensive beauty treatments.

What are crow’s feet and what do they indicate?

Crow’s feet are the horizontal wrinkles that appear on the outer edge of the eyes, towards the temple, and that are accentuated when we smile or laugh. Although it is a mark of expression, the fact that some people are seen more than others is related to the functioning of the liver.

Pronounced crow’s feet, especially when they appear from premature ages, such as from the age of 20, indicate  a weakness in liver function. Let’s take a closer look at this problem.

What is the cause of liver weakness?

There are many factors that can impair liver function and, as a consequence, promote the appearance of crow’s feet. These are the most common:

  • Unbalanced  diet : Excess frying and low-quality fats (pastries, margarine, cold cuts, dairy creams, etc.), sugars, artificial sweeteners and refined flours. Meats and dairy should be eaten in moderation.
  • Food additives:  They are present in a large quantity of non-organic foods.
  • Certain medications.
  • Toxic habits: For example, alcohol or tobacco.
  • Negative emotions: Especially rage or anger.
  • Stress.
  • Environmental pollution.

How to improve liver health?

The liver is an organ that performs functions related to metabolism, the immune system and the purification of the blood. Although it suffers the consequences of many factors that directly influence us every day, it also has the amazing ability to regenerate.

For this reason, with some natural remedies and techniques we can improve its activity and prevent or reduce crow’s feet.

Heat application

Heat application

The liver is an organ that tends to cool down when it becomes weak, so we can apply heat locally to improve its function. This can be done by appealing to different elements:

  • Electric mat.
  • Hot water bottle.
  • Warm wet towel, with a dry towel on top.

    It is advisable to apply these remedies half an hour before going to bed each day, as it can make us feel tired.

    Coffee enema

    When coffee enemas are performed, the activity of the GGT enzyme (gamma-glutamyl-transferase or transpeptidase) is enhanced, which is essential for a healthy liver. Thus, we facilitate the expulsion of bile and purify the body. Enemas are made with organic roasted and powdered coffee, and can be applied once or twice a week.

    Medicinal plants

    Bitter medicinal plants support the liver and improve digestion in general. In this way, through infusions, we can regulate and improve liver function without side effects, to also prevent the appearance of crow’s feet.

    We can take every night a medicinal herbal infusion beneficial to the liver, such as those listed below:

    • Milk thistle
    • Wormwood
    • Boldo
    • Artichoke
    • Dandelion

    To further enhance the cleansing effects of these herbs, it is advisable to sweeten them with stevia by adding a little lemon juice.

    Amino Acid Supplements

    One of the most convenient ways to cleanse the liver is to take herbal supplements, nutrients and other remedies that are beneficial for its function. One of the options is amino acids, in particular the following:

    • L-Arginine
    • L-Ornithine
    • L-Citrulline

    An important point to keep in mind is that, although amino acids enhance liver function, they should not be consumed in cases of cirrhosis.

    Green smoothies

    Green smoothies

    Green vegetables have the virtue of regenerating the liver. For this reason, one way to consume more of these foods and in their raw state, which is how they better preserve their properties, is through green smoothies.

    In these drinks, fruits such as apple, strawberry or banana are combined with green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, chard, beet greens or arugula. The result is a very nutritious and cleansing shake with a surprising and delicious flavor.

    We can take these green smoothies every morning, as breakfast, and even combine them with other ingredients such as vegetable drinks, nuts, seeds, cocoa, etc.

    In short, we must bear in mind that the body is a whole and that, in most cases, the external appearance is deeply linked to its internal walk. Crow’s feet are no exception; To eradicate them, he aims to take care of the liver as a first measure.

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