Discover How To Lighten Your Armpits With These Homemade Products

The excessive use of deodorants, waxing, perspiration … These are factors that leave spots in the armpits. Those dark marks are unsightly, but they are also the consequence of the pores not being able to “breathe” well.

In the following article we offer you homemade products to lighten your armpits. Keep reading!

Why are the armpits stained?

Among the parts of the body that darken the most, we can find the elbows, knees and armpits. This is because they are areas of “rubbing” with clothing or repetitive movements.

The use of certain beauty products such as antiperspirant or waxing can darken the area under the arms. Other causes are excessive shaving, creams, lack of exfoliation or hygiene and sweating. All of this causes an accumulation of dead cells.

  • The first step to reduce these stains is daily washing with a sponge or brush and mild soap.
  • Hydration with natural creams is also essential.

However, we always recommend consulting with our dermatologist. Some cases of hyperpigmentation can be a symptom of some pathologies.

Home remedies to lighten the armpits

If you are a bit embarrassed to raise your arms due to underarm spots, we recommend that you try the following natural remedies:

1. Lemon and baking soda

The first of the ingredients is a stain remover par excellence. The second acts as an exfoliator. Together they become an effective home remedy for lightening the armpits.

In addition, it reduces sweating and odor. Do not use it after shaving because it can cause burning.


  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)
  • The juice of ½ lemon


  • First, put the baking soda in a container and add the juice.
  • Form a homogeneous paste.
  • Then apply in a circular motion to the armpits, after bathing. It should be done very delicately and for about 20 seconds so as not to irritate the skin.
  • Repeat every day, always at night (remember that lemon stains the skin in contact with the sun ).

2. Lemon

Lemon deodorant

If we don’t have baking soda or want something easier still, we can cut a lemon in half and rub in each armpit for a few minutes.

  • Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse well with warm water.
  • Do it at night twice a week.

3. Exfoliation with a pumice stone

When you bathe you can take the opportunity to exfoliate your armpits and remove dead cells, as well as ingrown hairs.

  • It’s as easy as rubbing with a pumice stone when your skin is wet, so it won’t irritate or hurt. However, it should be done very gently and for no more than 20 seconds.
  • When getting out of the shower, apply a moisturizer.

    4. Lemon and sugar

    Lemon and sugar

    Sugar has similar properties to bicarbonate in that it acts as a powerful exfoliator. You can enjoy this home remedy to lighten your armpits several times a week.


    • The juice of ½ lemon
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar (10 g)


    • First, squeeze the lemon and pour it into a glass.
    • Next, add the sugar and mix well to form a “gritty” paste.
    • Apply to the armpits in circular motions.
    • Afterwards, allow 15 minutes to pass before rinsing with plenty of water.
    • Finally, pat dry with a cotton towel (without rubbing).
    • Apply a moisturizer when finished.

    5. Potato

    Potato juice has many health benefits for your skin, and the good news is that it doesn’t irritate. It can even be used by people with sensitive dermis.


    • It’s very easy: to start, peel and slice a potato and rub it lightly under the armpits.
    • Another option is to grate it and apply as if it were a mask.
    • In any case, let it act for 15 minutes and rinse. Repeat daily.

    6. Yogurt

    Plain yogurt

    For us to enjoy its benefits, it must be natural or Greek.

    • One tablespoon per armpit is enough as long as you let it act for 20 minutes.
    • It will soften the skin and reduce blemishes little by little.
    • You can repeat the treatment every day.

    7. Oatmeal, honey and lemon

    In this recipe we combine two ingredients with exfoliating properties and one that removes stains. This is why it is so effective. Although it can be used all over the body, it is recommended to apply it to the armpits once a week.


    • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
    • The juice of 1 lemon


    • First, in a bowl, place the oats and honey.
    • Then add the lemon juice and mix well.
    • Then, when obtaining a homogeneous paste, apply to the armpits with a light massage.
    • Finally, leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse with plenty of warm water.
    • You can add a little moisturizer when you’re done.

    8. Coconut oil

    coconut oil to lighten the armpits

    This essential oil is very good for the skin in general and also acts as an effective blemish remover. By containing vitamin E it hydrates the dermis and, in turn, serves as a natural deodorant.

    • Simply soak a cotton ball in coconut oil and apply to your armpits every morning.

      9. Cucumber

      Of course, you could not miss a beauty treatment with this vegetable used par excellence for its properties for the skin. It is easy and effective!


      • Cut a cucumber into slices and rub on the armpits.
      • Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.
      • Repeat 3 times a week.

      10. Cucumber, lemon and turmeric

      Benefits of cucumber to lighten the armpits

      Finally, a home remedy to lighten the armpits more than effective. It has the ability to remove stains and also exfoliate and smooth.


      • The juice of ½ lemon
      • ½ cucumber
      • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g)


      • To start, peel the cucumber and grate it.
      • In a bowl, place the grated cucumber, lemon juice and turmeric.
      • Then apply to the armpits, let it act for 20 minutes and rinse.

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