Eggplant: Light, Healing And Very Suitable For Your Digestion

Eggplant is a healthy food that can be included in the diet. It is very rich in proteins, potassium, phosphorus, folates and flavonoids, thereby helping to protect the body from attack by free radicals.

This vegetable offers many possibilities in the kitchen. So many that, you can even drink its water to promote weight loss and get a better silhouette. Without a doubt, it can be said that aubergines are one of the vegetables that everyone should include in their diet on a regular basis.

Next, we give you a few more reasons to encourage yourself to enjoy eggplant more often and thus begin to enjoy its benefits.

1. Eggplants, a light and digestive food

Eggplants are one of the lightest vegetables that can be consumed, given their high content of water and fiber. In fact, they do not contain fat.

Among its best virtues is its diuretic action, which is excellent both to prevent and to combat fluid retention. This is because it has a large amount of potassium, a mineral that, as you already know, helps maintain the acid-base balance in our body, properly distributing water in the body.

2. Take care of your heart

Since it is a vegetable especially rich in antioxidants, it is perfect for caring for heart health. The contribution of these nutrients helps to fight against the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein, which may be associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to an article published in the journal “The Journal of Nutrition”.

On the other hand, the levels of copper, folic acid, magnesium and flavonoids in eggplants, protect cells from harmful bacteria and, in addition, help control cholesterol. Nor should it be forgotten that the combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium helps to strengthen the muscles of the heart.

3. Eggplant is digestive

  • Eggplants are rich in water and low in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; therefore, they digest very well.
  • Its main benefit is in its minerals.
  • Eggplants have up to 55% of basic mineral salts that make the organs carry out their functions optimally.
  • Its fiber content reduces the risk of problems associated with intestinal transit, according to the journal “Alimentary Pharamcology & Therapeutics”.

Discover:  The best and worst foods for our digestion

Eggplant and lemon water

So that you can benefit from the properties of eggplant in a different and easy way, you can resort to the following drink that we are going to recommend. This healthy water will help you combat fluid retention and abdominal bloating.

You should know that this drink is nothing more than a dietary supplement. That is, you must maintain a hypocaloric diet in order to experience weight loss.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 aubergine of a medium size. If it is organically grown, much better.


  • Wash the eggplant well. If you want to eliminate all its toxins,  soak it in water with a little apple cider vinegar and a little baking soda. This strategy is very practical to remove traces of pesticides.
  • Now cut the eggplant into thin slices. About a centimeter and a half thick. It is not necessary to remove the skin.
  • Now go on to cook it in the boiling water.
  • When you see that the aubergines are already soft, turn off the heat. Strain and keep the water.
  • Add the other half a liter of water and also the lemon juice. Stir well and take the liquid to the refrigerator.

Instead of carrying out the cooking process, the sliced ​​aubergine can be left overnight in a container along with the liter of water. However, both options are valid.

Include eggplant in your regular diet!

Drink this water throughout the day, half a glass before main meals. In this way, you will be satisfied sooner and also, you will be able to digest food better and have a good urination.

You can take it  between two and three times a week. If you accompany this treatment with a low-fat diet, with fresh vegetables and fruits, you will be able to appreciate good results.

Obviously, you have to choose your food well and take care of the proportions. And, in this sense, the eggplant is, without a doubt, an excellent option. It is beneficial to include it in the usual diet, being this balanced and varied to guarantee a correct state of health.

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