Foods That Enhance Memory

Did you know that there are certain foods that, thanks to their nutrients, can help us fight oxidative damage and, in turn, promote neural connections to improve our memory?

Learning a language, doing Sudoku puzzles or doing puzzles is not enough if we want to improve our ability to remember. Therefore, pay attention to foods that enhance memory. Food is more than important to achieve this goal!

For this reason, in the following article we will tell you which are the best foods that can help you enjoy a healthier brain … And not forgetting anything!

List of foods that boost memory

If lately you are too “forgetful” and:

  • You don’t remember where you left the keys.
  • You don’t attend meetings or parties because you don’t remember to write it down.
  • You stop greeting people on their birthdays (if a social network doesn’t remind you, you’re lost).

In this case, it would be good for you to consume one or more of the following foods:



It has a good amount of a nutrient called choline that allows for increased brain cell growth.
In addition, the connections in the mind are improved thanks to this vegetable rich in vitamin K, which can also enhance cognitive functioning and, therefore, promote memory.

As for its consumption, broccoli can be eaten in various recipes. It is a good idea to include it in your diet at least once a week.

Whole grains

Whole wheat flours are beneficial for your memory, as they contain vitamin B6 and folic acid. Both nutrients stimulate and strengthen brain functions.
Its positive effects are noticeable in the short term. In a matter of days, you may begin to notice that you remember things better than before.

To include these cereals, do not hesitate to eat breads, pizzas, cookies and any recipe that comes to mind. Of course, as long as they are made with whole wheat, rye or barley flour (among other cereals).


Also known as beets, it  is a perfect vegetable to oxygenate the brain. If we add the nutrient contribution of beets to the body, the result is a healthy mind and body.

Keep in mind that a brain full of well-oxygenated and nourished neurons allows you to remember and think more clearly.


If you don’t know which of the nuts is used to boost brain functions… Take a look at their shape! Walnuts look like a brain and are a superfood that enhances your abilities.
This is because they contain Omega 3 fatty acids in large quantities. These increase the functioning of neurotransmitters, improve cognitive abilities and enhance memory.

On the other hand, as if it were not enough,  walnuts promote blood supply and brain oxygenation. And there is more: they provide us with vitamin B6 and magnesium, two nutrients that protect cognitive ability.


Actually all berries are excellent for improving brain function, but blueberries are the ones that provide the most anthocyanins.

This nutrient helps delay cognitive aging, protect the nervous system and, as a consequence, preserve memory. Consume blueberries for dessert or natural juice.

Blue fish

Salmon, sardines or tuna are among this group of fish that are notable for their contribution of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The intake of this food helps maintain the health of brain cells. It is advisable to eat blue fish three times a week: steamed, boiled or roasted, but never fried.


According to research from the University of California (United States) on Alzheimer’s, turmeric keeps the brain in good condition. In addition, it helps to enhance memory, in addition to avoiding or reducing the appearance of this degenerative disease.

Therefore, it is definitely a rich spice that protects the mind from inflammation. In addition, it is easy to consume, because you can use it as a condiment to enhance the flavor of your meals.



There are many properties of this fruit for the body in general and the brain in particular. This is thanks to a compound called quercetin, a nutrient that protects against disorders such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Feel free to eat an apple a day (better raw and with peel). Without a doubt, apples are one of the foods that enhance memory.


As long as you consume it in adequate amounts (no more than one or two cups a day), coffee is good for mental health and improving memory. Also keep in mind not to drink it in the afternoon or before bed, because you will not be able to fall asleep.

Also, do not abuse caffeine during exams or assignments, as it can interfere with your health.


It is a powerful antioxidant thanks to the contribution of lycopene. This nutrient fights against the damage caused by free radicals located in brain cells, which, if they accumulate, can cause dementia.

Add tomatoes to your salads, soups, smoothies, and just about any dish you can think of.

Dark chocolate

It is an excellent ally of the mind if the bitter type is consumed, due to the large amount of antioxidants it contains. It also provides flavonoids, which increase blood circulation to the brain. They also improve concentration, enhance memory and response time to stimuli.

In this case, a small ounce of dark chocolate per day is enough to take advantage of its benefits.



It is very rich and perfect to add a special flavor to your meals (especially salads, soups and creams). Celery contains luteolin, a component that reduces the negative effects of premature aging and helps preserve memory.

Eat it raw and enjoy its benefits!

Green Tea

A study conducted at the University of Basel (Switzerland) concluded that this tea improves cognitive functions and prevents dementia. This is also another food that enhances memory, in addition to reducing the risk of Parkinson’s.
Drink 2 cups a day to improve brain performance, lose weight, and prevent fluid build-up.

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