How Do Bad Eating Habits Affect The Face?

Both blemishes and the premature appearance of the signs of aging are related to the type of diet one follows, among other factors.

Bad eating habits have such an influence on the body that they can even affect the health of the skin of the face. These are small actions that, despite seeming harmless, actually have a big impact.

When it is said that all excesses are harmful to health, when it comes to diet, there is no exception. Any excessive consumption of certain foods (such as fried foods) and drinks (such as sodas and alcoholic ones) can affect the body and be reflected in the appearance of the skin.

So, when you want to show off a beautiful and healthy face, you not only have to pay attention to topical treatments, but to the rest of the habits that make up our lifestyle. Likewise, you must always try to correct all those that are not providing benefits. 

A good eating plan can go a long way toward making you look much more attractive and healthier, as well as preventing the signs of aging.

In order to design it correctly and correct it, below, we will indicate which are the bad eating habits that most harm the health of the skin.

4 bad eating habits for beauty

1. Regular consumption of sugar


Regular consumption of sugar is one of the worst habits to maintain when you want to keep your skin healthy and young. According to various researches,  its intake is associated with the loss of elasticity and the quality of collagen. In addition, it favors inflammation and the appearance of pimples and impurities.

Sugary foods are the most consumed by all people in the world. These are present in almost all diets and, for many, their intake is inevitable.


To avoid having a much older skin than it corresponds to your age and, looking bad in general, the best thing you can do is eliminate sugar from your diet. While it may be difficult at first, the result will be worth it.

And it’s not just about stopping adding refined sugar to your drinks and preparations, but paying attention to the amount of added sugars that many foods have. And as for substitutes, it is best to use stevia or organic honey, since the industrial one usually has additives.

2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages

Although drinking a glass of wine during the week is recommended to be able to enjoy the benefits of the antioxidants that this drink offers, its excessive consumption constitutes another of the bad eating habits that causes almost irreparable damage to the skin.

In short, excessive consumption of wine (or any other alcoholic beverage) leads to dehydration and loss of elasticity of the skin and, since the liver cannot clean and detoxify properly, the overload of toxins leads to the development of multiple disorders .


It is best to moderate your alcohol consumption.  In this sense, the 80-20 rule comes in handy. 20% of the time you can drink and 80% should stay away from the diet.

3. Gluten consumption

Celiac disease-gluten-and-more

Another of the bad eating habits that affects the health and beauty of the face is related to the digestive system and the ignorance of intolerances.

Unfortunately, there are still a large number of people who, ignoring that they are intolerant to gluten, continue to consume it in various ways and therefore have skin full of rashes, blemishes and other blemishes.


In these cases, the most important thing is to go to the doctor for an evaluation. Once finished, the professional will tell you that you should eliminate all foods that contain gluten from your diet and increase your consumption of fiber and water.

4. Excessive consumption of dairy

As in the case of gluten, people with lactose intolerance should moderate their consumption of dairy foods in order to have healthy skin.

Dairy products usually cause heavy digestion and, as in these cases inflammatory processes increase, the body reacts in various ways; on the skin, for example, redness, swelling and rashes occur.

At present, the influence of dairy consumption and the appearance of acne is being investigated, since it is suspected that this type of food, given the amount of added hormones they contain, may be one of the causes of outbreaks. 


Try cutting back on dairy foods to reduce breakouts and prevent new ones. You don’t have to take this to the extreme unless you suffer from intolerance.

To consider

Poor digestion, hormonal changes and exposure to all kinds of chemical agents cause the skin to become dull and present imperfections that range from rashes to very marked spots.

Therefore, it is important to maintain good eating habits and, above all, a consistent lifestyle. Your skin will thank you by looking beautiful and healthy!

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