How Do I Motivate My Partner To Move?

When one of the two of you begins to think about questions such as: “how nice it would be to be able to move in together”, you may have already let your imagination run wild and, in a way, already want to raise the idea with your partner.

Daydreams can range from what your place might look like to the various kinds of wonderful memories you might create there. Now, one thing is to imagine everything and another is to raise the idea to the other. Then it is possible that doubts and concerns arise about how to convince the other.

In some cases it is the first attempt to live together; in others, of a change of house. When it comes to conversation, it is possible that the strong and valid motives for one, in the eyes of the other, are different.

How to convince my partner to move in together for the first time?

It is not always easy to find the right words or the most appropriate moment to raise the idea. However, it is not impossible either. The important thing is to keep an open mind, avoid making assumptions and not anticipating the facts. Likewise, it is possible to converse with calm and respect.

"My partner doesn't want children" is a common phrase.

1. Appreciate the benefits of forming a team

When they talk about their personal dreams, such as buying a vehicle or a trip they want to take, this is the ideal time to comment. Living together allows them to save money from rent, taxes, and transportation. By avoiding these expenses they have the possibility to invest in something else they want.

Appreciating the advantages of forming a team will allow you to add important achievements for both of you.

2. Translate profits into acts

Those days when they sleep together are conducive to showing, with simple acts, the advantages of that famous “move”. Organize the environment, prepare a healthy meal and help with her clothes. An indirect way to make you see how positive it is to have your partner at home.

Also, while everyone is in their own apartment, it is good that they feel the absence with some need. The way for this to happen is to stop visiting for a few days. Generate the need to ask for help and, then yes, say in passing how important it is to move in together.

3. Make small coexistence tests

Before embarking on the adventure of living as a couple, and even more so if you are not convinced, you have to do small tests. If possible, without the lover knowing that they are doing this practice. To do this, you have to manage enough discretion and dissimulation to avoid feeling pressure.

One day he leaves a toothbrush, another a clothing item and a book. Thus, almost like without remembering, they  are occupying spaces on the floor, until there is nothing left to formalize.

The other great test before moving all the furniture to one place, is to take a vacation as a couple. Without friends or family, you have to embark on a journey of absolute privacy 24 hours a day. If they pass this test in harmony, they are ready to live together.

Keys to convince the couple to move to another house

1. Choose the right moment for persuasion

If it is necessary to start a negotiation to motivate the couple to change the house, they must find the right moment. A space in which both are attentive to the dialogue and are not interrupted. If possible, they should bring up the subject when there is good spirit and predisposition on the part of both.

2. Emphasize the benefits

To achieve the desired results you have to present the best arguments, clear and organized. That is, the most positive fundamentals for the couple must be studied in advance.

The safest neighborhood, the proximity to work, the children’s school, those details that most influence. Studying the words to be used is the best strategy.

3. Do not press

Some people have serious difficulties coping with changes and need time to assimilate. When they are pressed, the resistance increases and they withdraw into their thoughts. In these cases, it is best to provide some benefits and switch to another topic.

On another occasion, perhaps alone they will return to the subject and manage to delve more calmly. You can even start looking at some search alternatives together. New neighborhoods, think of another decoration or talk with friends about the opportunity for change.

Moving is a decision that we must make as a couple

8 guidelines to reinvent yourself as a couple

Choosing the path of coexistence or a change of apartment, when you are already living as a couple, are decisions that are made in pairs . It should never be a one-man issue because if a problem arises, the responsibilities will fall on that person.

If you are more reluctant to participate in this project, your partner has to be patient and offer the necessary time. Adapting to changes is a capacity that differs from one to another.

It is possible to achieve a change of opinion and the acceptance of the new, as long as the plan is managed with strategy. If you are unsure, it is better to wait  than to ruin a relationship by acting hastily.

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