How Often To Apply Sunscreen

The photoprotection of sunscreen will depend on the type of product you use, the frequency of application and the activity you do in the sun.

In the summer we want to have fun and de-stress in the sun while taking a dip. However, sometimes we forget the importance of taking care of our skin at this time. We will tell you how often you should apply sunscreen to keep your skin cared for.

To keep your skin protected from UV rays, it is not enough to just buy a good sunscreen. It is important that you take into account several things when enjoying a day at the beach or pool. The time of application of the sunscreen is one of them.

What is the best sunscreen for me?

apply sunscreen

As you know, sunscreens are classified according to their sun protection factor. Choosing the right one for you will depend on your skin type or phototype. If you still don’t know which one is yours, take a look at the Fitzpatrick scale.

This scale classifies skin types according to their natural resistance to the sun. There are six phototypes, where the first corresponds to people with fair skin and the sixth to people with darker skin.

If your phototype is 1 you should choose an SPF (Solar Protection Factor) greater than or equal to 50. If your phototype is 6, an SPF 15 or 20 will suffice. Similarly, if you will be out in the sun for a long time, it is recommended that the sunscreen be broad spectrum.

Now, there is not only the type of skin according to the natural resistance to UV rays. There is also the type of skin according to its physical and biological characteristics.

Another factor that you should consider when choosing your sunscreen is to be clear if you have normal, dry, oily or acneic skin. Not all types of sunscreen work for all people and parts of the body.

  • If your skin is normal, you can basically use any form of sunscreen.
  • If it is dry, it is recommended to use cream sunscreen.
  • On the other hand, if your skin is oily or acne, gel protectants are the best for you.

Similarly, you should consult a dermatologist to guide you according to the needs of your skin.

Will applying the right sunscreen for my skin type be enough to keep it protected?

It is necessary to always use a sunscreen.

The answer is no. Don’t leave everything in charge of your sunscreen. Regardless of whether it has a high SPF and is broad spectrum, your skin could still burn. The reason for this is the incorrect application of the product.

You can have a low SPF sunscreen, but if you apply it correctly, your skin can be just as well protected as using a high SPF sunscreen. The key is to apply sunscreen every so often.

There are many factors that go into the effectiveness of your sunscreen. Some of them are humidity, sweating, time immersed in water or rubbing against clothing, among others. The frequency of sunscreen application will depend on each of them.

How often should I apply sunscreen?

There is no magic formula to calculate how often to apply your sunscreen. However, it is recommended to apply the product half an hour before sun exposure and renew the application after two hours and after each bath. This if you do not expose yourself to the sun or immersion for a long time.

If you love being underwater relaxing and taking long baths, it is recommended to apply sunscreen every twenty minutes. Even if your sunscreen is waterproof or waterproof, you should still apply the product after long baths.

Contact with water makes the product fall off your skin, which reduces its photoprotective effect. When you get out of the water and towel yourself dry, even if you do it carefully, the product also falls off. So it’s simple: the more you bathe, sweat or dry your skin, the less protection you will have.

If you don’t want to be counting the minutes or you lose track of time, keep an eye out for your skin signals. When you notice that the sunscreen is not visible or almost felt, apply it again. If your skin starts to redden, apply it one more time.

Remember that having fun in the sun and among the waves or a good pool does not mean sacrificing the health of your skin. Keeping it protected should be paramount, so never forget to take your sunscreen with you and apply it frequently.

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