How To Control Nausea In Pregnancy With Natural Remedies

If the morning sickness appears before certain smells or foods we should avoid them during this period. It is also advisable to avoid large meals to prevent their appearance

Nausea in pregnancy is common during the first three months and causes great discomfort to women who suffer from it.

They are also often one of the first symptoms that makes us suspicious of the good news, but they can distress us during those weeks when we cannot eat in peace.

In this article we give you some tips to avoid nausea by changing some habits, as well as some remedies to avoid them naturally, without any risk to you or your child.

Why do we get nausea in pregnancy?

Nausea in pregnancy, especially in the first three weeks, affects almost 70% of pregnant women.

Although there are some who do not feel any discomfort, others suffer them with considerable suffering, to the point of being able to reach the dreaded hyperemesis gravidarum.

This condition may require the future mother to be admitted to the hospital to keep the situation under control, as well as to almost complete rest until an improvement is noticed.

For women who suffer these discomforts but without seriousness, we recommend following some tips in eating habits that will help us reduce nausea in pregnancy.

We can also try some 100% natural remedies that do not involve any risk to our health or that of our baby.

Effective tips for every day


These tips will help us control nausea effortlessly:

  • Eating several times a day, instead of eating large meals, will reduce the risk of nausea, which is more frequent when the stomach is full.
  • Avoid fatty foods and opt for fruits and vegetables, juices and smoothies, which provide hydration and sweetness.
  • Have breakfast on the nightstand so that when you wake up you don’t have to move to eat something. The most recommended foods are toast and cookies.
  • Drink water and natural and homemade juices throughout the day, in small sips.
  • Avoid as much as possible everything that you already know that makes you nauseous, such as food, smells, places, transport, etc.
  • Supplements based on vitamin B6 can also be effective in treating nausea. We must consult with our doctor before consuming it.

Natural medicine

Here are some natural solutions that can provide immediate relief.


Ginger is by far the most popular remedy for preventing nausea in pregnancy. Its flavor is very special, spicy, citric and very refreshing, and we can consume it in many ways:

  • Powdered or fresh.
  • In infusion.
  • Adding it to any stew, both sweet (cakes, cookies, smoothies) and salty (meat and fish), as it adds juiciness to food.
  • Dehydrated.
  • In candies.


Lemon deodorant

Lemon, refreshing and aromatic, gives us instant relief in the first moments of discomfort.

  • We can drink the juice or cut a lemon in half and smell it, since it is also effective through aromatherapy.
  • An old remedy proposes to apply the open lemon on the wrist for a few minutes.
  • We can also drink homemade lemonade throughout the day, even with a little ginger to enhance its effect.

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil is a good remedy for not taking anything. It will be enough to always carry it by hand and smell it just when we start to feel nauseous.

Its powerful aroma, fresh and revitalizing, is perfect for those moments of discomfort.

Bach flowers and homeopathy

Within natural medicine we also find two valid options to treat any disorder without suffering any risk to our health or that of our child.

  • Bach flowers are flower essences that do not have any side effects and that help us treat physical and emotional disorders in a simple and practical way.

The most common Bach flower in these cases is the Sweet Chestnut ( Castanea sativa ). However, a flower therapist can help us find the most suitable preparation for our case.

  • Homeopathy: Homeopathy is the other option of natural medicine with which we can solve many health problems even in pregnancy.

If the nausea is due to odors but is calmed by eating, the most suitable remedy is Ignatia Amara.

If, on the contrary, we suffer them especially in the morning, to see or smell any food, we will opt for Sepia Officinalis.

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