How To Increase And Tone The Buttocks

With a balanced diet and physical activity, you can shape the body and eliminate excess fat. To that, you can him specific exercises to strengthen the glutes.

The buttocks are one of the parts of the body that matter most to women who want to take care of their aesthetics. Isn’t it worth knowing how you can improve the look of yours? To achieve this, we present you some keys and exercises to tone the buttocks.

This area of ​​the body requires specific training to tone them, as well as an adequate diet. Increasing daily physical activity is a requirement to define body volumes, but it also has a positive impact on a person’s physical and mental health.

Recommendations to tone the buttocks

Before moving on to the exercises, we must make it clear why diet and exercise go so closely together and what we mean when we talk about a balanced diet.

Eat well

Diet in the prevention of depression

There are many statements that say “you are what you eat”, and we can say that this affects the buttocks as much as the rest of the body. Faced with an unhealthy diet, fat often accumulates in this area, something that undermines the goal of looking good.

There are too many tempting foods out there, like sweets, chips, and snacks . Unfortunately, however, all those delicious calories add bulk in areas where it is not welcome.

If you want to improve the appearance of the buttocks, you must follow a healthy diet. According to a publication of the World Health Organization, a diet is balanced when it contains fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals and plenty of water.

On the contrary, it is recommended to reduce the content of foods high in fat, calories, sweets and salt. Thus, following a proper nutritional diet will not only contribute to achieving the figure you want to have, but will also help you improve health in many ways, but mainly from avoiding a central risk factor such as obesity.

Many nutritionists advise having several small meals a day rather than just a few but large ones. However, this will largely depend on the needs and objectives of each person, so it cannot be taken as a general rule. To plan a personalized diet, consult a nutritionist.

do exercise

Although many women do not consider it true, it is not so complex to have defined buttocks. Taking into account the above, if you eat well and exercise, you can do it. It is no miracle, you just have to dedicate at least half an hour a day to physical activity.

Any discipline serves to burn calories and shape the figure. The main thing is to increase caloric expenditure; As a study published by the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism explains , this is the most important thing if you are looking for weight loss.

By lowering the level of body fat through diet and exercise, the muscles can be better defined. In this sense, there are more specific exercises to work the glutes with greater intensity.

Exercises to tone the buttocks

To tone the buttocks effectively, it is advisable to do physical activity. Although this can be focused on the hips and buttocks, it should be noted that you cannot burn fat in a localized way, as stated by research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .

What does the above mean? That it will also be necessary to perform an aerobic or anaerobic activity that works the rest of the body, in order to allow the burning of fats in a comprehensive way.

In relation to specific jobs, here are some of the exercises you can do to increase and tone your buttocks. The numbers of repetitions that are detailed correspond to a moderate difficulty, but keep in mind that you can modify them according to your physical condition.


Woman doing squats at home.

This is an exercise that helps shape the hips, but also strengthens the thighs and lifts and tones the buttocks. There are many types of squats, each located in an area of ​​the buttock and thigh.

  • To do this, start in a standing position with both legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Then very slowly lower your hips while keeping your torso upright and with your knees behind the tips of your toes. Imagine you want to push something back with your glutes.
  • You can do three sets of 12 reps.

Lunges or lunges

The lunge is another exercise that allows you to tone the glutes. Its execution is also very simple:

  • Begin by standing with your legs spread parallel to the hips.
  • Take a step forward and slowly lower your body, bending both knees.
  • Make sure that the flexion is 90 degrees and the knee of the leg in front is at the same height as the ankle, all without resting the other knee on the ground.
  • Perform three sets of 12 reps and then repeat with the other leg.


Bridging exercise for scoliosis

To make the traditional bridge, follow these steps:

  • Lie facing up with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Raise your back slightly, using force with your buttocks, the back of your thighs and your abdomen, until you can form a diagonal line between your knees and shoulders.
  • Do three sets of 15 or 20 reps.
  • You can make it even more difficult by lifting one of the two legs alternately.

Tones the buttocks and strengthens the whole body

The above exercises are not limited to glute strengthening alone. As detailed in an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, stability when performing them also depends on the core, so the middle area of ​​the body – the abdominals and the lower back – is involved.

For its part, a Mayo Clinic publication also states that the bridge is a job that also helps to strengthen this part of the body.

As you have seen, another advantage of detailed work is that you can easily do it at home. In short, the important thing to obtain an aesthetic and healthy body is to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes daily physical activity and a balanced diet. Perform these exercises regularly and you will notice their effects. Go ahead!

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