How To Prepare A Green Tea Lemonade To Lose Kilos And Reduce Measures

This lemonade can be an ideal complement to avoid hunger peaks and help us reduce measures, but we must combine it with a low-fat diet to get good results.

Since overweight and obesity have been shown to raise the risk of serious diseases in recent years , it is increasingly common for people to seek alternatives to shed excess body fat. What many do not know is that sometimes something as simple as a simple infusion or lemonade can make a difference.

Although the figure continues to be a motivation to reduce measures, many have become aware that the importance of losing kilos lies in health issues. For this reason, many methods for losing weight have become known, among which those that do not subject the body to strict and dangerous regimens.

Among these options we find some natural dietary supplements. These help us to improve the rate of metabolism and  increase energy expenditure to reduce the accumulation of fat.

One of these supplements is green tea, a plant that for years has held one of the first places as a weight and measure reducer.

The effects of this can be enhanced with the benefits of lemon. Thus, we will obtain a perfect drink for weight loss diets as a result .


Green tea lemonade to lose pounds and reduce measures

Green tea lemonade benefits.

Green tea lemonade is a drink rich in antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals. These  support metabolic function to combat excess weight.

Both green tea and lemon are distinguished around the world for their detoxifying and diuretic properties. Thus, they help us with the elimination of wastes retained in the body.

Both have powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Therefore, in addition to helping to reduce measures in the belly area, they exert control over the body’s inflammation processes.

Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant, known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which contributes to the reduction of fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Its regular consumption prevents the oxidation of lipids, favors the elimination of retained fluids and improves insulin sensitivity.

Lemon peel for the lemonade.

For its part, the vitamin C provided by lemon has a detoxifying effect that helps eliminate toxins.

This, added to its potassium and fiber content, improves the digestion of fats  and reduces the accumulation of lipids in the arterial walls.

In addition, it has a high concentration of polyphenols. These are antioxidants that stimulate liver function to reduce excess fat.

Finally, thanks to its pectin content, it prolongs the feeling of satiety and curbs the insatiable desire to ingest excess calories.

Green tea lemonade recipe for weight loss

Green tea lemonade.

To enhance the properties of this drink, we suggest adding an extra nutrient with a little ginger and honey.

Ginger  has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and thermogenic properties. Therefore, in the body, it contributes to the process that is responsible for transforming sugars into energy.

For its part, honey not only acts as a natural sweetener but is also a powerful antibiotic. Its incorporation in this remedy supports the immune system and reduces the risk of infections.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 lemons
  • 4 green tea bags
  • 2 tablespoons of pure organic honey (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (10 g)

How to prepare it?

  • Add the liter of water to a pot and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Meanwhile, wash the lemons well and grate some of their peel to add it to the pot. Reserve the juice.
  • Let the lemon peel infusion boil for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • After this time, remove it from the heat and add the green tea bags and ginger.
  • Cover it well and wait for it to rest for another 10 minutes.
  • Then add the lemon juice and honey.
  • Put the lemonade in the fridge for two hours, or until it is very cold.
  • When it’s ready, pass it through a colander and consume it.
  • You can enjoy this drink two or three times a day.

To keep in mind!

Although regular consumption of this lemonade can help you lose weight, it is important to know that its effects are only achieved when supported with a diet controlled in calories and fat.

It will be useless to consume it every day if you continue to eat foods full of saturated fats, sugars and industrial substances.

Likewise, it is essential to supplement your intake with about 6 or 7 glasses of water a day; This precious liquid supports detoxification and is key to balancing weight.

Remember to buy organic lemons, since we are going to consume their peeling.

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