How To Prepare A Herbal And Honey Ointment To Relieve Burns

We can take advantage of the properties of different natural ingredients to relieve burns and accelerate their recovery thanks to their antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Burns are skin lesions that are usually caused by continuous exposure to the sun’s rays, or by contact with a source of heat. Luckily, there are solutions of natural origin that, due to their combination of ingredients, provide extra nutrients to the skin to stimulate its regeneration.

This time we want to share the recipe for a herbal and honey ointment, ideal to refresh, protect and heal. Don’t stop trying it!

The burns

Burns usually cause a noticeable redness of the dermis, as well as blisters, spots and other alterations that are frowned upon on an aesthetic level. In fact, depending on their severity, they can cause infection, scarring and death of the underlying skin tissues.

The problem is that many do not know how to treat them. Although they generate burning, they are unaware that they should be given treatment to speed up their recovery.

Natural herbal and honey ointment for the treatment of burns


The antioxidant and regenerative properties of some plants are combined with the hydrating power of honey. In this way we get an effective ointment against superficial burns.

Its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic compounds reduce skin irritation. In turn, they protect it against microorganisms that cause infections.

It is an inexpensive and natural product that, unlike commercial versions, does not contain aggressive chemicals or generate unwanted reactions. Instead, it has natural actives that repair cells while counteracting the loss of natural oils and nutrients.

In addition, thanks to its wealth of vitamins and minerals, it is a great ally to prevent spots, scars and other imperfections derived from this problem. Test it!

How to prepare this homemade herbal and honey ointment?

Burn ointment

This homemade ointment is obtained from the combination of natural herbs that, due to their composition, exert antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

  • Comfrey : It is recommended to accelerate the repair of cells affected by burns and, incidentally, to control inflammation.
  • Marshmallow root:  An anti-inflammatory herb that, due to its vitamin E and C content, favors the healing of injuries and burns.
  • Wormwood : Its properties reduce redness, irritation and the burning sensation.

Together with these plants we mix the prodigious olive oil, known for its high content of fatty acids and vitamin E. In addition, a significant amount of honey is added, necessary to hydrate dry and damaged tissues and, incidentally, protect them. against infections.


  • 2 tablespoons of dry comfrey (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of marshmallow root (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of absinthe (20 g)
  • ¼ cup of olive oil (50 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of beeswax (75 g)
  • ½ cup of organic honey (170 g)


  • Glass jar with lid


  • Place the herbs in an airtight glass jar. Then cover them with the olive oil.
  • Let them marinate for 24 hours, or put them in a water bath for 2 hours over low heat.
  • After obtaining a concentrated oil, pass the product through a fine sieve and separate the remains of the plants.
  • Then, over low heat, melt the beeswax and mix it with the herbal oil.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes and, for a creamier texture, process it with a hand mixer.
  • Then continue stirring well and mix it with the organic honey.
  • Once you get the product, pack it in a jar and let it rest in a cool, dark place.

Burn ointment

Application mode

  • To begin, take as much of the ointment as you consider necessary and rub it on the injured or burned skin.
  • Make sure to clean the affected area before using this product, as its properties are more effective this way.
  • Finally, cover the wound with a bandage and leave the ointment on overnight.
  • Repeat its use every day until the injury heals.

Do you want to accelerate the repair of your burned skin? Take note of this wonderful product and prepare it at home to benefit from its properties.

Of course, keep in mind that burns are not completely relieved from the first application. It is necessary to be constant with the treatment to achieve good results. In addition, it is essential to acquire a good quality sunscreen, since its daily use reduces the risk of complications or new burns.

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