How To Prepare A Homemade Softener For Your Towels

Each garment in our wardrobe needs a different treatment and this can cause difficulties when washing clothes, sheets or towels. On many occasions it seems that we have to do a cleaning course to know how to perfectly clean every corner of our home.

However, thanks to information from the internet, we find fantastic solutions that make our day-to-day life and our tasks at home easier. On this occasion, we are going to talk about how to prepare a homemade fabric softener to clean and soften your towels.

When you buy towels, the first few times we use them they can shed fluff, over time they become softer and, finally, they end up scraping the skin. It is true that it is not bad; simply that the touch is not the same. If you want your towels to be clean, disinfected and soft, take note of the recipe for the homemade fabric softener that we are going to tell you about today.


Learn how to prepare a homemade fabric softener for your towels


If you dare to try an ecological and homemade fabric softener, do not hesitate to continue reading these lines. Homemade fabric softeners are made from natural products, they are inexpensive, effective and have nothing to envy to industrial fabric softeners.

In addition, they are the best option to respect the environment. This softener will leave your clothes and towels as soft and disinfected as any other commercial and industrial. Finally, you will check that they will not damage the fabric, much less your skin.

Ingredients to prepare your fabric softener

  • 2 cups of white vinegar (500 ml)
  • 4 cups of mineral water (1 liter)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (18 g)

Preparing organic fabric softener for your washing machine or for hand washing

The preparation is very simple, you only need a suitable container for the mixture.

  • First mix the liter of water with the half liter of vinegar. In this case, we opted for white vinegar to make sure it doesn’t discolor anything.
  • Gradually pour the bicarbonate into the liquid, you will see that a foam is generated immediately. Therefore, do not throw it in suddenly, because the preparation could come out of the container.
  • Mix well until everything is a homogeneous product. Once you have it, we recommend storing it in a plastic bottle, and you can use it as if it were your usual fabric softener.

Take the test and wash your towels next time with this homemade, organic and ecological fabric softener: you will see that they are all advantages.

Curiosities and tips

Vinegar is one of the best fabric softeners that we can use for our clothes and in particular for our towels. Towels tend to keep a lot of moisture. If they are not dried well after each use they can end up smelling and, even if we wash them, we will not be able to remove that bad smell.

Vinegar is not only used as a fabric softener, but also to clean items and other difficult areas in our home such as the kitchen or bathroom. Although its smell is very strong, it disappears when it dries, so it is very good at removing stains and removing bad odors.

If you see that a towel has a large stain, you can directly apply a little vinegar on top of the stain. Let it act for 10 minutes and then proceed to wash it normally.

Tips for washing towels

  • Ideally, wash them with cold water, white vinegar, lemon and a little scented ammonia. In this way we will ensure that they have a pleasant smell.
  • Do not use industrial softeners or a lot of detergent when washing towels. Although it may seem contradictory, if we add a lot of detergent in the washing machine it is possible that they will not wash well.
  • If you don’t have a dryer, air dry your towels and not in small, unventilated places. Remember that they must be dried well before storing them to avoid the bad smell of humidity.
  • Don’t wash a lot of towels at the same time or load the washing machine too much. Doing so will make cleaning difficult and you may have to wash the garments again.

As you can see, making this softener for your towels is very simple. Do not hesitate to put it into practice to see for yourself all its benefits.

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