Infusions And Advice For Sciatica

Do not forget that, although these plants have analgesic or anti-inflammatory properties, it is essential that the professional treat the underlying problem.

When the sciatic nerve is inflamed, pain occurs in the buttock that goes to the back of the thigh. In many cases the pain can extend throughout the leg to the ankle. It is essential to treat sciatica to relieve pain and quality of life for the person.

Sciatica is a clinical diagnosis and therefore a complete medical history and physical examination is necessary for a clear diagnosis and evaluation. It will be the doctor who recommends the most appropriate treatment for each specific case.

In the following article, we will give you some natural recipes that could complement the treatment, to try to mitigate the pain and lead a life as normal as possible. However, as we have mentioned, it is vital to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Some herbs with antirheumatic and analgesic properties could be used as an adjunct to treatment. Although they do not cure the condition, they can provide some calm. They can be taken as an infusion.

Symptoms that indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve

  • There is acute pain that goes from the buttock to the leg in the back, often reaching the ankle.
  • There is difficulty in performing some simple movements, such as rolling over in bed.
  • When you have to stand for a long time, the pain increases until it becomes unbearable.
  • When the inflammation is very severe, no relief or improvement is found in any position.
  • The person with this kind of inflammation feels very incapacitated due to pain and discomfort.

Infusions to try to calm sciatica

Turmeric infusion

This is an herb that might be suitable for relieving sciatica pain, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. According to tests carried out in rats, curcumin could accelerate the repair of the injured sciatic nerve.

An infusion should be prepared with a few branches in half a liter of water.

Varied infusion

These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that could support medical treatment.


  • Yarrow
  • Wild pansy
  • Marjoram
  • Elderberry blossoms
  • Dandelion


Ten grams of each of these dried plants should be taken. Later they are crushed and mixed very well. Then a cup of water is boiled and a tablespoon of these herbs is added to it. Cover it and let it rest for five minutes and then drink it.

Supplements to treat sciatica


It is a bioflavonoid that is generally found in fruits and vegetables, it can be found in greater amounts in onions and apples. It is an antioxidant that could help protect cells against the damaging action of free radicals.

In some research quercetin triggered multiple effects to promote recovery after a sciatic nerve crush injury in mice.


Bromelain is an enzyme that can be found mainly in pineapple, this enzyme could help reduce the inflammation caused by sciatica.


This is a food that contains abundant amounts of minerals and vitamins, with the ability to nourish the nervous system. Some studies suggest that it may be beneficial for treating arthritis.

Do not forget that, although these plants have analgesic or anti-inflammatory properties, it is essential that the professional treat the underlying problem.

Some people are able to relieve pain with non-surgical treatments. However, others suffer from severe sciatica that may require surgical intervention.

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