Melon And Banana Cholesterol-Lowering Smoothie: You’ll Love It!

With this delicious melon and banana smoothie we will help reduce cholesterol to gain health and well-being. Natural fruit smoothies are a good complement when it comes to controlling hypercholesterolemia. All those foods rich in carotenes, vitamin C, antioxidants, zinc and fiber are, without a doubt, elements that help to achieve this.

If we combine this remedy based on melon and banana with a varied and balanced diet, and we also get used to maintaining an active life where we do not lack a little exercise , we will get better results in our next blood tests.

Do you dare to try this delicious smoothie?

Melon helps reduce cholesterol

Melon to lower cholesterol

It does not matter which variety of melon we choose: all of them are rich in phytonutrients, water and fiber, ideal to help modulate the level of cholesterol, according to an article published in 2016.

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that will allow us to improve our heart health. It takes care of our tissues, allows the veins and arteries to be flexible and free of that plaque that favors the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  • Due to its magnesium and fiber content, it has a laxative effect that reduces fat absorption.
  • The melon is also rich in  potassium, very necessary to take care of the health of the heart. Consuming adequate amounts of potassium in our diet allows us to help regulate blood pressure and better metabolize the impact of foods high in sodium.

In our natural smoothie we are going to combine the melon with banana. Likewise, if in your case the banana is somewhat indigestible, you can combine it with grapes or an apple .

Banana properties to help reduce cholesterol

There are those who tend to harbor quite a few doubts about whether the banana increases or reduces cholesterol. Well, as always happens with most foods, it is only about introducing them into our diet with balance and without committing excesses.

Something as simple as consuming a banana a day, without a doubt, will help improve our general health. Not only is it an energetic fruit, but it stands as an ideal complement when creating rich smoothies.

  • Bananas are a very low-fat food.
  • Bananas are one of the best fruits that you can consume to have an adequate level of fiber.

Fiber is very necessary in our diet to eliminate toxins and promote proper intestinal transit. Thanks to it, we can also regulate the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood. On the other hand, it helps to control the appetite and reduce the desire to snack on processed products between meals, according to an article published in the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition”.

  • The banana is also rich in antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and selenium, important to promote the proper synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and balance its levels.
  • This fact is also important: bananas improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of clots that can clog arteries, thanks to their potassium content.

How to make my melon and banana smoothie



  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of melon (of the variety that we want) (150 g).
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g).


This melon and banana smoothie will have it made in just over five minutes. Just find good ingredients.

It is important that both the melon and the banana are not too ripe. Otherwise, that excess sugar can be negative and even cause us a somewhat heavy digestion.

  • Try that they are at their right point of maturity. Regarding the melon, choose the one you like the most and that is of the season. The more natural the better.
  • The first thing we will do is get the melon cup. Remove the seeds and cut into small pieces to facilitate blending.
  • We peel the banana and do the same. Cut it into three parts.
  • We are now going to the blender, where we will include the melon and the banana. Beat for a few seconds and then add that glass of water and thus get a lighter smoothie.
  • Once ready, serve in your favorite glass and sprinkle on top with a little cinnamon.

Add this banana and melon smoothie to your breakfasts

Do not hesitate to prepare this delicious smoothie twice a week, always taking advantage of the melon season. Your cholesterol will be more balanced and that will undoubtedly translate into quality of life and health.

Remember that the ideal is to frame this preparation within the framework of a balanced and varied diet, in order to benefit from its properties. Despite the possible effect that it could have in helping to reduce cholesterol, this shake should not replace any pharmacological treatment. It should be noted that the impact of diet on the lipid profile is quite limited.

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