Natural Remedy Of Baking Soda And Lemon

You may have heard of the benefits of combining water with items like baking soda and squeezed lemon. Much has been written on the subject and its virtues, hence it is worth addressing it from a scientific and a practical point of view.

Using baking soda and lemon for good health

This combination has caused a lot of controversy, and also a lot of expectation. The reason is based, above all, on the idea that consuming lemon with bicarbonate can protect us against the incidence of cancer.

However, it should be made clear from the outset that, as specialized entities in this matter state, this is a false statement. There are many foods labeled under the term “anti-cancer”, and it is nothing more than natural elements with antioxidant and alkalizing properties.

However, having these properties does not mean that it can prevent us from suffering from this disease, and even less that we can cure it.

Remember, baking soda and lemon, like other foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, peaches or grapes, offer us vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which can help prevent disease in a small percentage.

However, they are not a cure. They are a small help but not a direct and foolproof solution, and in fact their sodium content can pose a threat to health, according to what the FDA reports. So should we take them?

Although we should always consult a doctor before adding it to the diet, a good diet with these types of elements is usually positive, except in certain cases. In addition, added to a healthy life, it can help us improve our health enormously. These are some of the benefits that are obtained with it:

1. Alkalizing

The mixture of baking soda and lemon has the ability to alkalize the body. This helps us, for example, to fight acidosis, which can occur when the kidneys do not remove enough acid from the body or when the body produces too much. It is, therefore, a good complement to take care of the kidneys and facilitate their work.

2. Digestive

Lemon oil with multiple properties.

If we add a little sodium bicarbonate to the beneficial effects of lemon for digestion, we will get a very positive mixture so that our digestive system works much better. It is a good antacid that also fights flatulence.

Another virtue that should be taken into account is that it can help us fight gastroesophageal reflux, thanks to the antacid properties that we already mentioned.

Despite this, it is always advisable to consult a professional to find the indicated treatment for this problem, which in any case could be complemented with the consumption of this element.

3. Debugging

According to traditional medicine, it is a great success to start the day with this remedy. In theory, it allows us to purify the liver and fulfill our day with the necessary vitamin intake. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm the efficacy of these elements as cleansers.

4. A good regulator

According to the traditional uses of this juice and the virtues attributed to it, drinking water that is rich in sodium bicarbonate will allow us to regulate the level of bad LDL cholesterol. The consequence of this will be an improvement in our cardiovascular health.

How to take this remedy and who should not?

Preparing it is really easy. The recipes that have historically been followed indicate that we only have to pour ourselves a glass of mineral water – natural – and add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and the juice of half a lemon. Stir well and drink it in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Popular beliefs state that it should not be taken on a full stomach, as it can be counterproductive; You should always do it in the morning and before meals. Many advise taking it for two weeks in a row, then resting for two more.

The partner bicarbonate allows to eliminate bad odors.

It should be considered that the excessive consumption of sodium bicarbonate can lead to alkalosis, so it is better to alternate its use. Remember also that it is not appropriate to take this remedy if you suffer from gastritis. Likewise, people suffering from hypertension or heart problems should also abstain, due to their sodium level.

In short, this remedy is very simple, as well as beneficial; it will improve our digestions and other various basic functions. Regarding its reputation for fighting cancer, it is better not to give it too much veracity.

In conclusion, it should be taken only as a general health benefit, always remembering that it is not a miracle formula and with the indispensable approval of the doctor, who must also specify the methodology, the proportions and the maximum period of consumption.

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