Plums Against Bone Loss

We continually hear that it is necessary to take calcium to prevent bone loss, and that the best way is to drink milk and dairy products. That’s right?

In this article we explain another way to understand the problem of calcium deficiency and we propose a food that will surprise you with its great benefits for the bones: prunes.

The truth about calcium and bone loss

When we are affected by bone problems, such as osteoporosis, we often hear the benefits of calcium consumption. And although it is true that this mineral is essential, so are others equally important for its assimilation. That is why it will not be healthy to start consuming foods with added calcium, but it is a better idea to eat a balanced diet. We will choose those foods that provide us with calcium and the other nutrients we need. Prunes are one of them.

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Possibly we have heard of the alkaline or acidic pH in our body. Although there are those who defend that it is possible to vary this parameter through diet, the scientific literature disputes this fact. The acid-base balance is perfectly regulated by the renal system and it should not be possible to make changes to it.

The defenders of these theories affirm that carrying out a diet that acidifies the organism produces a bone demineralization. In this way, the body eliminates calcium through the urine to try to compensate for the pH.

And this is where plums show their first benefit: they are highly alkalizing.

Other nutrients

In addition, prunes are also rich in potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper and iron, as well as vitamins A and K, essential nutrients for our bone health. Curiously, they do not contain calcium, and yet they could lower the risk of bone disease. In spite of everything, the clinical trials carried out have not obtained conclusive results in this regard.

In addition, plums, whether they are fresh or raisins, are excellent to combat constipation and are very nutritious, so it is ideal to take them every morning when we wake up.

Tony Hisgett plums

How do we eat them?

The healthiest way to eat them is to soak them in half a glass of water at night. We will take them on an empty stomach the next morning, also drinking the water.

The ideal amount is between 3 and 5 plums a day.

If we do not want to eat them alone, we can mix them with other ripe fruits or vegetable drinks. We can also include them in desserts such as cakes or cakes, since they will add juiciness and sweetness and we will avoid having to add so much sugar.

Complete the diet: avoid bone loss

Finally, we propose other foods that are equally beneficial for your bones thanks to their vitamin and mineral content, especially calcium, and much more assimilable than dairy foods or products with added calcium:

  • Sesame : It contains more calcium than milk and is much more assimilable. We can take the raw sesame ground or in the form of gomasio (ground and toasted with salt), oil of first cold pressing and raw or tahín (sesame paste). We can also beat the tahini with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey to make our own sesame drink.
  • Maca : It contains a lot of calcium and iron and is also an excellent hormonal regulator. People with uncontrolled hypertension and those with over-excitement of the immune system should be careful. Scientific literature gives it several properties, including the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Cooked carrot : Much richer in calcium than when raw.
  • Horsetail : very rich in silicon. We can have two or three cups a day.

Smoothie for the bones

Try this delicious recipe to strengthen your bones and prevent bone loss:

  1. Blend a tablespoon of sesame seeds with a glass of water for at least a minute, with the help of a mixer.
  2. Strain the sesame milk and set aside the fiber (which you can use for other recipes).
  3. Beat the sesame drink again with three soaked prunes.
  4. Add a little ground cinnamon to it.

You already have your smoothie: delicious to have for breakfast or a snack and to surprise the whole family with a very healthy recipe.

To keep in mind!

In these lines we have shown you the ways you have to avoid bone loss without resorting exclusively to added calcium. It is also essential to carry out a varied and balanced diet to ensure the proper functioning of the body’s physiological processes.

However, we recommend you go to a specialist if you suffer from any problem related to the health of your bones.

Enjoy these recipes and take care of your health.

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