Reduce The Waist, Hips And Thighs With 5 Pilates Exercises

Today we are going to present you some ideal Pilates exercises to reduce accumulated fat in the waist, hips and thighs. It is a natural way to lose fat and with good results.

In general, the areas where fat accumulates the most are the waist, hips and thighs. This problem is quite common in women, either due to genetics or due to bad habits that are had on a daily basis. As a consequence, you can feel low self-esteem or even physical health problems that can affect us in different ways.

There is no simple method that will reduce fat accumulation quickly and effectively. You should know that there are several factors that influence this problem. Therefore, you have to learn to control them in order to reduce fat and feel satisfied with the results. You should know that, by themselves, without a complementary change in diet, these exercises probably will not reduce the volume of your waist, hips and thighs.

5 Pilates exercises to reduce fat

1. Leg raise

This is one of the Pilates exercises that requires a lot of concentration and balance. First,  you should lie on your side with your head resting on your arm and your legs stretched out one above the other.

Second, you should raise one leg and leave it fully stretched. As you do this, you should contract your abdominal muscles to avoid arching your lower back.

Another position you can use is resting your hands on the ground. Then  extend your right leg out and back so that it forms a straight line with your torso.

For either of the two positions of these Pilates exercises  you must balance for at least 5 seconds, you must do 20 repetitions and change sides.

2. Scissors

Lie on your back and raise one of your legs high while keeping the other on the floor stretched out. Try to bring your leg to the highest but without raising your back, raise the leg again slowly for 10 times and then do it with the other leg.

3. Side kick

For this position you will have to lie on your side with your elbow flexed to keep your back straight. Move your legs slightly forward of your hips. This will help maintain balance and protect your lower back. You should avoid moving your hips or back, only the fully stretched leg should move. As you can see, all the Pilates exercises that we are explaining take special care with your back, since it is very easy to hurt yourself.

4. Siren


This exercise is ideal for reducing the waist and lengthening the spine. To start, you will have to sit on the floor with your legs bent to the left side, your back should be straight and you should tighten your abs, as you already know, to protect your back.

As you inhale, lift your right arm by gently stretching it into a curve over your head. Slightly lean your torso from the waist up in the same direction as your arm. Try to hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

You can place your hand on the ground and then stretch the other as far as you can by lifting your hips up. Try to hold the position for several seconds and repeat it about 5 times.

5. Arch

This exercise will work your glutes, waist, and legs. To do this, you must lie on your stomach with your body fully stretched out. Then,  bend your legs and hold the ankles with your hands on the outside.

With your body and hips on the floor, take two breaths and try to stretch as much as you can while maintaining the position.

Inhale and draw the arch by bringing your feet back and up, lifting your legs off the ground and keeping your arms extended as far as possible. Try to lift your chest and head off the ground without losing the tension of the arch in the part of your legs. Then breathe out gently and lower yourself to the ground to rest for a moment.

Go back and take the previous position, keeping in mind that the arch must be well tensioned and the body must only rest on the abdomen. Try to hold the pose for 20 seconds to a minute.  To finish, gently lower yourself back down, release your ankles, stretch your hands, and rest.

Tips for better results

To have better results with these exercises it is very important to take into account other factors such as, for example, diet.

  • Include a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, grains, and fish in your diet.
  • Reduce the consumption of foods with high levels of cholesterol and fat ; avoid fried foods, junk food, soft drinks, among others.
  • Drink at least a liter of water daily.
  • Divide the food into small portions for several hours of the day.

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