What Do We Have To Make Clear Before Starting A Relationship?

Starting a relationship is generally a joyful act. Hormones are altered, the world seems magical and there is a tendency to believe that the long-awaited soulmate that has been waiting for so long has finally arrived.

It is normal then to perceive everything from a positive perspective. However, there are certain aspects of the bond that need to be analyzed during the initial stage. By doing it together, many nights of heartache could be avoided in the future.

Keys to achieving the success of that relationship

To start a relationship you have to strengthen ties.

Here are some keys that can help you achieve a successful relationship.

1. Balance expectations

Starting a relationship involves two people whose ideas about dating are similar or not. When what you are looking for in a partner differs too much, problems are likely to arise if it was not talked about well beforehand.

Depending on the personalities and the time of life that each one is going through, the ideas about the relationship may vary. Thus, some may want only one company to share certain facts, while others may just want to find the person with whom they can build a long-term relationship.

By making clear from the beginning what each of you wants, you will both be free to choose whether or not to continue the relationship. It is clear that knowing the truth is essential for the good of all parties.

2. Type of relationship

The diversity of the types of relationships may surprise many, but the truth is that they exist and you have to be prepared. So, taking a few minutes to talk about how you carry your partner forward is empowering.

There is a tendency to think that everyone is satisfied with starting a “traditional” relationship, that is, two people who decide to join together for love. But there are also other alternatives, which not a few choose, such as open relationships, for example.

Of course, making this point clear is key to avoiding bad times in the future.

3. Items that are not negotiable

Each one has already formed a life of their own, a social and family circle of belonging, hobbies, etc. It is best to talk about them before starting a relationship so that they do not become a reason for a fight later.

There are personalities that are more intense, they want to be connected all the time and believe that all decisions are made as a couple. However, it is possible that the other person is more independent and needs to have their own spaces so as not to feel evaded.

Make it clear that they do not plan to leave their dinner with friends or their yoga classes because they have a partner. This new relationship is to add and incorporate more emotions, but never to subtract.

4. What do you do with sex?

To start a relationship you have to take into account sex.

There are those who are more modest and consider that it is not the time to talk about sex, but they are wrong. Trust must be generated from the very beginning of the couple. Talking about each topic, daring the details and even analyzing the experiences of others together is positive.

It is not about basing the whole bond on sex and feeling the obligation to make love every time you see each other. The attraction can be very strong, but what is really important is the quality with which they are intimate.

For it to be satisfying and happy, both of you have to know what the partner likes or dislikes. Also what are the sexual fantasies and how far would they be willing to experiment. Then, over time, they will gain ground in new poses, games, or adventures together.

5. Does the family show up now?

When starting a relationship, the energies of the members must be placed in them and in strengthening the bond. It is advisable for families to stay out for a while.

It is real that they feel that they are the best they have in life and want to share everything with them. But this time it is good that they wait a while and consolidate as a team of two.

When they feel strong and stable enough, then it will be time to visit and make official introductions. Thus, they will be prepared for any unforeseen event that may arise. In fact, the opinions of relatives are one of the main causes of couple arguments. So, to prevent, you have to be sure of yourself first.

Before starting a relationship

Starting a relationship is a very important factor in people’s lives. Everyone when they start something, they do it with the expectation that it is healthy and that it has a future.

The chances of success must be generated from the base and the best way is through dialogue. Through the correct, true and fair words, all the details can be agreed to be happy. The way they will act later is already related to the importance they give to that commitment they forged that day.

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