Why Are People With 0 Blood Special?

According to a theory from the beginning of the last century, people with 0 blood, in addition to being universal donors, are more productive and have more marked leadership skills than their peers with other blood groups.

We do not know much about blood types, but what we do know is that there is a ‘special’ factor, because it is desperately sought when someone needs a transfusion. People with 0 blood have played a very important role in society since ancient times. In this note, we tell you why.

What is the difference between each blood group?

What is the difference between each blood group

The four groups are A, B, AB, and 0; not all are compatible with each other. For example, the ‘exclusives’ of group 0 can donate to anyone, but not receive from others who are not equal to them.

This is due to the antigens that each blood type has. These tiny molecules were discovered by pathologist Karl Landsteiner in his quest to discover why blood is not compatible between different people.

Antigens are proteins located on red blood cells. Within the blood plasma, are the antibodies. According to studies, antigens (A and B) and antibodies (Anti-A and Anti-B) don’t always get along. An A antigen is not compatible with an Anti-A antibody, and the same is true for B and Anti-B.

In the event of such binding, the body rejects the ‘offending’ antigen through the antibodies of the immune system.


So people with group AB have two antigens, but no antibodies. Therefore, there is no immune response when receiving blood.

Finally, we have those in group 0. They have the two antibodies, but not the antigens. That is the reason why they can donate to whoever they want.

Rh factor

However, it does not all end there. In addition to this, next to the letter there is a + (positive) or – (negative) sign. This was discovered later. The new system distinguishes which people have a ‘D’ antigen in their blood (positive) and those who do not (negative).

In this way, the possible blood types become 8 and not 4 as at the beginning: A +, A-, B +, B-, AB +, AB-, 0+ and 0-.

The latter is known as the ‘universal donor’, since its plasma is suitable for any group and factor. However, you can only receive blood from someone of the same type.

The antagonist is AB +, who can get what he needs in all blood types, but only has the ability to donate to those in the same group.

What type of blood do I have?

What type of blood do I have

Doctors indicate that it is very important to know our blood group and factor. Why? Because in emergency situations, when you need to receive or donate plasma, you do not always have time to analyze it and determine this fundamental information.

Health professionals recommend carrying an identification with these data in your bag, a bracelet or a medal. It is very easy to know, only one analysis is needed.

The next time you have to carry out a medical check-up, ask that the study of your group and factor be included if you do not know it or if it has not been written down anywhere. It is common that, when a baby is born, parents receive a card with that information, but we do not always find it.

Possible blood group according to the blood of the parents

If you plan to donate blood, you can also take the opportunity to find out your blood group. Do not forget that this data is not available instantly and you may have to wait a few days to find out.

You can also go to the hospital where you were born or do your annual studies; they likely have that information in their database.

To find out the type of blood you have, ask your parents for the factor of each one. There is a table to determine what your “options” are:

  • Parent O and Parent O = child O
  • Parent O and Parent A = child O or A
  • Parent O and Parent B = child O or B
  • Parent O and Parent AB = child B or A
  • Parent A and Parent A = child O or A
  • Parent A and Parent B = child O, A, B or AB
  • Parent A and Parent AB = child A, B or AB
  • Parent B and Parent B = child O or B
  • Parent B and Parent AB = child A, B or AB
  • Parent AB and Parent AB = child A, B or AB

What makes those with 0 blood special?

What makes the "0" special

In addition to the characteristics that we have indicated in relation to compatibility when donating or receiving blood, there are other issues that make people with 0 blood different and special.

Evidence has been found that this type of blood is the one that all our ancestors had. Also, there are studies that indicate that the most interesting qualities of these people are leadership, concentration and energy.

For that reason, they can be very good options for a job that requires greater productivity or someone to guide the rest. They are also known to be optimistic, live long, and be strong.

Personality theory according to blood group

An investigation carried out in Japan confirmed that 0 blood is related to the organization, responsibility and practicality of those who possess it. These people seem to have a greater sense of direction and logic and are engaged and aware of what is going on around them.

All this would be influenced by our ancestors, who had to be very precise when they went hunting in order to survive.

When under a lot of stress or angry, 0-blooded people can become hyperactive and impulsive. If we add to that a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy habits, they are more likely to suffer adverse metabolic effects.

People with blood group 0 are more vulnerable to obesity, insulin resistance, and underactive thyroid gland. The rationale for this last point is that iodine levels in the body are not kept optimal. In addition, they are likely to suffer from ulcers, fluid retention, and chronic fatigue.

Blood type

If you are from the select group of people with 0 blood, the amount of acids in the stomach will be greater than those of other beings and may cause indigestion and heartburn, among other ills. In short, as you may have appreciated, it has its good side and its bad side. Do you feel special now that you know all this?

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